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video del block pass de lil hany a Millsaps en dallas

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Pues que se joda! Que le tire los tejos a su madre. . .asalta cunas!!

RR, Pim Pam PUM! Bocadillo de atún!

Noble Member
Registrado: hace 18 años
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juer k pua yo no lo veo 😥 , mcmmx e buskao en mxplanet y no lo encuentro, x dnd sta??

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tio, te he puesto el link.............

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Registrado: hace 18 años
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ya, pero sk no me funciona

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El blockpass esta guapisimo pero e visto de mas brutales eh!!!!! 😆 A ver eso en un Sx americano es lo mas normal del mundo...ademas le devolvió hansen el susto a millsaps. Es muy normal el contacto en un la pista es mas estrecha,mas tecnica i si vas junto con otro picados i encima hay un pique "agresivo" pues puedes contar, el espectaculo esta asegurado. A mi me gusta que vayan aciendo blockpass... pero para gustos colores. En Europa eso esta mal visto pero en USA quizas estan mas acostumbrados...incluso en Mx tambien los hacen.

Un 10 por Hansen que lo tira fuera....Hoy por ti , mañana por mi 😆 😆 😉

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pues si te digo que despues de recibir 4 hachazos de diferentes pilotos en almonte dentro del tiempo de entrenos cronometrados del sabado en el quinto que recibi me rompio la llanta uno que no voy a nombrar y me tuve que ir para casa por no tener rueda delantera de recambio, eso es asi y hay que entenderlo yo al menos asi lo entiendo, una sola trazada, arena y si vas mas lento y no te apartas el peralte eres tu y basta. ademas en super-cross es mas que normal hoy me lo das tu mañana recibes y no pasa nada de nada te llames como te llames y si no te gusta al trial.

Sí señor totete, tengo que reconocer que has hablado de puta madre y la realidad es así.

Radix dixit: y si no, al trial, xDD

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joooo ke me han hechado de la pista... niño malo. jajajaj anda ke... y ke vas con la llanta y le dices: oie, mira, que no se si tas dao cuenta, pero me has pegado un hachazo... lo mas que puedes conseguir es ke se harten de reir, el y su ekipo. y encima se te dan unas leches pues mas kalentito vas. amos hombre, a mi se me viene uno asi pa pegarme un hachazo y con la pierna de dentro le toko el freno trasero... jias, al suelo merluzo!!!! menos mal ke no compito si no... me taria dando de ostias con to dios jajajaja

muthafucka dixit: si yo tengo 4 manzanas y tu solo tienes una... te jodes!

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No creo que Grant este tirando los trastos a la hermana de Hansen, por lo que he entendido le dijo que la daría de ostias a su hermana, al menos que haya leído mal.

Pero lo cojonudo es que fue hasta su camion a meter patadas por todos los lados incluso tiro una de sus motos. No me acuerdo muy bien ahora pero creo recordar que lei algo así. Sí no lo es dímelo mcmmx_54.

Pero si me acuerdo la cara de trastornado que tiene! 😆

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Respuestas: 2012
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peaso kara merluzo.........

los malos rollos se explikan aki:Well, in the heat race he pretty much came out of nowhere and took us both out. He told me after the race that it was a payback for Daytona. He told me that and I guess when he got interviewed he said the same thing. He’s running his mouth saying it’s a payback and stuff, and we got into the tunnel after the race and he started mouthing off. I was pretty upset about it, but the team got me all quieted down. To make a long story short, at the end of the night he started running his mouth when I was walking out to the car, because he was around some of his friends and stuff. So I was pretty shaken up about that. Well, believe it or not, I ended up running into him on the freeway. At first I though it was his dad, because he was in this lifted up diesel truck, so I followed him back to his place, and it ended up being Josh. So I got out of my car, and my trainer, John, stayed in the car. I walked out, and I thought it was his pops the whole time, and I was going to tell him to tell his son to watch what he says. I get over there and he’s popping off, running his mouth and stuff, telling me he’s going to whoop my ass, and this and that. I got up close to him, and he’s also been trying to like hook up my little sister too, who’s 14 years old, and the kid is like 18 or 19 years old. So that kind of made it a little bit worse, after talking crap and after saying he intentionally did it. So I was pretty pissed off. I went up to him and I confronted him about it, and he was trying to tell me that he didn’t take me out, that I fell and he ran into my bike and fell over. He basically tried saying that it was my fault that we crashed. I was like, “Are you kidding me?” And then finally his story changes that he was just getting me back from Daytona. Well me and him were exchanging words back and forth and I started getting in his face, so he tells me to get the “F” out of here and he tries to kick me away and he kicked me in my shoulder, so I just laid into him. I just hit him once, and then he starts crying, telling me that he’s going to beat me up and call the cops. And now his dad wants to file charges and everything, and I was just watching myself. And it’s funny, because the kid changes his story so much. Hearing on the internet and his dad talking to Troy Lee, his exact words were that I had a posse of six people with me that took him out of the car and beat him down, and that’s a bunch of shit. I hit him once when he was inside his car, after he kicked me first! Nobody else was with me. My trainer came and grabbed me and said, “Get back in the car.” Josh Grant then said, “Yeah, you better get your guy before I get out of my car and whoop his ass.” My trainer then said, “If you’re so tough, get out of the car or keep your mouth shut.” Josh kept mouthing off, but I got back into our truck and we left. And then, 3:30 in the morning the cops show up at my hotel saying that his dad wants to file charges and stuff. It’s just total BS. He runs his mouth and starts all of this crap, and then I’m the bad guy out of all of it. It sucks. It’s something that I shouldn’t have done, it wasn’t professional, and I really do apologize for everything. It was uncalled for, just going back and forth with him. I shouldn’t have wasted my time. I’m out here to win a championship, not to deal with Josh Grant running his mouth.

respuesta de grant:

“It is unfortunate that this incident ever took place. I have told my side of it and, out of respect for the sport, for my team and sponsors, have no intention of talking any more about it. It is over and I have put it behind me.

"My job is to be ready for Pontiac, Las Vegas, and the Outdoor Nationals. I am excited to be completing my first supercross season and looking forward to the outdoor season. I really appreciate all of the support from those around me.”

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Como cual su respuesta demuestra bien que Hansen esta en lo cierto y que Grant es un capullo sin cerebro!

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la putada del grant este, eske subio de los amateurs i empezo a hacer terceros o asin en los nationals, mas por "desmeritos" de los demas ke por meritos suyos, y ahora se lo tiene muy creido..........

estos chavales necesitan ke los pros les den 4 yoyas y volver a tocar de pies en el suelo pq sino..........vienen de los lorettas ke kreen ke son dios o algo asin..........

no se, ya no suben chavales kon respeto komo kuando subio pastrana, etc, ke flipavan pq corrian contra sus heroes, estos chavales, en mi opinion, no tienen ningun respeto por los pros........

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mmcmx pues millsaps si

Famed Member
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Valiente atun el grant ese... es el ultimo tio k me imaginaba en lo alto d euna moto, y asi de rapido... con esa cara de tipico freeki k se pasa el dia jugango al war hummer y esas cosas xDDD

Registrado: hace 18 años
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jias jias el tio ese es un pederasta 😛 P

k es el warm hummer??????????? 😯 😯

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mmcmx pues millsaps si

mi no entender
si ke ¿?
ke le tiro¿?
pues si, no es la 1a vez ke pasa, y si hansen no ubiera sido gato "mas viejo, pq no es viejo 😀 ", le tiraba 188 a el.......

esto es mx amigos, yo lo he hecho y tambien me lo han echo. no se, no le hizo ningun T-Bone, a veces pasa, pruebas de adelantar y os tokais i uno va al suelo, es inevitable......

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