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Pues eso que la ha vuelto a liar! y esta vez gorda....

La noticia es de RAcerX y dice:

Jason Lawrence paso la noche del viernes en la carcel local de REd Bud Michigan, a causa de incidente causado por la tarde.

Se le ha dejado en libertad con fianza, pero la AMA le va a prohibir correr este fin de semana y su equipo considera terminar su contrato.

Y al dia suiguiente salio la otra noticia:

La AMA ha suspendido indefinidamente a Jason Lawrence, asi que este fin de semana no correra en REd Bud, ni tampoco el resto de la temporada 2008. Ademas, la AMA le ha puesto una multa de 25.000$ que tenia pendiente del incidente cuando volco un coche de alquiler en Freestone. Esta cantidad sera donada al ASterisk Medical Unit.

J-Law Breaks the Law

Racer X Online has learned that Boost Mobile/Yamaha of Troy's Jason Lawrence spent Friday night in a local jail here in Red Bud, Michigan, following an incident yesterday afternoon.

Lawrence has been released on bail, but the AMA is expected to bar him from racing this weekend, and further, his team is considering terminating his contract.

Davey Coombs has reported that the AMA has suspended Jason Lawrence indefinitely, so he will not be racing this weekend at Red Bud, and possibly not for the rest of the 2008 season. In addition, the $25,000 fine that was posted as probable to Lawrence after the Freestone National for a rental car incident has now been collected and donated to the Asterisk Mobile Medical unit.

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